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HIG 번역) Views - Text Views Text Views A text view displays multiline, styled text content. Text views can be any height and enable scrolling when the content extends outside of the view. By default, content within a text view is left-aligned and uses the system font in black. If a text view is editable, a keyboard appears when you tap inside the view. Text view에는 여러 줄의 스타일이 적용된 텍스트 콘텐츠가 표시됩니다. Text views는 높이에 제한이 없고, 콘텐츠의.. 2020. 4. 18.
HIG 번역) Visual Design - Typography Typography Apple provides two type families you can use in your iOS apps. Appledms iOS 앱에서 사용할 수 있는 두 가지 폰트 묶음을 제공합니다. San Francisco (SF). San Francisco is a sans serif type family that includes SF Pro, SF Pro Rounded, SF Mono, SF Compact, and SF Compact Rounded. SF Pro is the system font in iOS, macOS, and tvOS; SF Compact is the system font in watchOS. Designed to match the visual clarity of t.. 2020. 4. 18.
HIG 번역) Visual Design - Dark Mode Dark Mode In iOS 13.0 and later, people can choose to adopt a dark system-wide appearance called Dark Mode. In Dark Mode, the system uses a darker color palette for all screens, views, menus, and controls, and it uses more vibrancy to make foreground content stand out against the darker backgrounds. Dark Mode supports all accessibility features. iOS 13.0 이상의 버전에서, 사용자들은 시스템 전반의 어두운 모습을 채택하는 다크 모.. 2020. 4. 17.
HIG 번역) Visual Design - Terminology Terminology Every word in your app is part of a conversation with your users. Use this conversation to help them feel comfortable in your app. 앱에 있는 모든 단어들은 사용자와 나누는 대화의 일부분입니다. 앱에서 사용자가 편안함을 느끼도록 이런 대화를 사용하세요. Use familiar, understandable words and phrases. Technology can be intimidating. Avoid acronyms and technical jargon that people might not understand. Use what you know about your audience.. 2020. 4. 17.